Jonathon Porritt's thought provoking speech

As this year comes to an end, we wanted to share a speech that has proved food for thought for the Coffeenotes office.  It's by sustainability writer and campaigner, Jonathon Porritt CBE.  For the last 30 years he has provided strategic advice to UK and international companies to deepen their understanding of today's converging environmental and climate crises. 

The speech is shared by Two Sides, a not-for-profit, global initiative promoting the unique sustainable and attractive attributes of print, paper and paper packaging. 

The speech is about the economic impact of the climate crisis and is defintely worth listening too. We would love to hear what you,our Coffeenotes community think?

Jonathan, like all of us, shares how his joy of pen on paper goes hand in hand with his enviromental campaigning.

He also has an interesting take on how insurance companies could hold the key to forcing the global economy to face up to climate change.  It's worth 30 minutes of your time to hear what he has to say. 

Let us know what you think.  

You can listen here    

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